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View Full Version : SamKEY TMO Edition v3.13.7 Released !

04-22-2018, 09:59 PM
What's New :

- Added USB Drivers check during Login
* If your SAMSUNG USB Drivers is problematic or old, SamKEY will warn you to Re-Install it

- Improved unlocking of S337TL/S737TL newest versions

- Improved writing SEC to Verizon qualcomm devices

- Support for S727VL has been REMOVED, Because :
1) TracFone is very sensitive about "VL" series, they warned us.
2) This phone will not work with GSM after unlock, so we have a lot of problems with customers.
3) Data/3G will not work on some CDMA networks after unlock
>>> So we decided to fully remove support for S727VL

Notice :
Credits used on S727VL has been refunded already.

DOWNLOAD (http://www.samkey.org/SamKEYTMO3137.exe)